1. you must purchase or acquire a MYO slot to create your own crystalker. otherwise, you may acquire one by adopting a design from the mod team and guest artists.2. overtly NSFW designs will not be accepted, as the species is PG13.3. purposefully offensive designs eg. hate groups will not be accepted.4. please do your best to be respectful to all other members.5. you may make NSFW of your crystalker, but please do not submit it to the group or discord.


if you wish to part with your crystalker, please use the official masterlist are not under any circumstances allowed to sell a crystalker you received as a gift or raffle for money or virtual currency. you may only exchange such a crystalker in a TRADE or as a GIFT.RESELLING
you may resell for equal to or lower than the price originally paid for the design. this price may raise if there is additional art, literature, resources etc.
additionally, you can market your crystalkers for sale in the discord, in #crystalker-market.








you don't need to get them approved! please just follow the guidelines set.your crystalker pet can have any traits of the same rarity tier and below of their owner! for example, chris is a rare crysta, and her cat has uncommon traits!YES:
regular animals (dog, cat, horse etc)
fantasy animals (phoenix, unicorn, dragon etc)
human level intelligence (can operate like a human, can talk, use objects/tools in a human way)
anthropormophized (furry, anthro etc, humanoid anatomy)
humanoid (resembles human in anatomy or actions)


on the darkest night, under the brightest moon.. a curse of crystal seeps into the earth and sky.what are CRYSTALKERS?crystalkers are individuals afflicted by a crystalline curse. this curse manifests first as crystal horns, and in certain cases the crystal infection starts to affect other parts of their body. they may also exhibit strange traits and powers..crystalker traits manifest in many places, but one that's always present is their crystal horns. these horns channel energy from the moon as they take in the moonlight. the moonlight is what keeps their infected bodies alive.crystalker crystals absorb moonlight and tend to have a soft glow in low light.

crystalker eyes reflect light similar to that of earth's cats, and can contract and dilate to take in less or more light, or shift like apertures. a shape of some kind is always present in the pupil or iris.

a body affected by the crystalker curse may start to take on a more crystalline form, including internal or external crystallization, transformations in parts of their body, and many other strange and wonderful ways.


Q. how did the curse begin?A. about a hundred years ago, a meteor crashed into the moon. the moon soon began to crystallize internally. in the light it reflected to earth at night, the crystalker curse came to earth, and sank into the earth and sky.Q. how is one afflicted by the curse?A. it's rumored that it's the very moonlight that causes it..many humans and unafflicted individuals keep inside at night, for fear of being stricken with the curse.Q. how are crystalkers seen by society?A. crystalkers are known across the world, but are generally regarded as freaks by those who aren't afflicted by the curse, and often regarded with fear and distrust. they tend to clump together in social groups.Q. can crystalkers still fit into normal society?A. while ears, tails, and horns may be normal fare, being crystallized is not. however, if a crystalker needs to hide their curse, there are various ways to go about it. crystal patches on the skin may be dressed with a specially formulated powder, set to cover the area and give it the appearance of skin. similar powders are available for the horns, as well as horn covers. mutations such as shards, overgrown limbs, etc, may not be so easy to disguise..Q. how does the curse appear on the body?A. the crystal curse starts on two points at the head, creating horns, and burrows into the body from there, cursing them from the inside out. the crystal grows steadily within them to a point, replacing their organic body over the period of a few months, up to a year. once it has reached its peak, it will stop growing, and the curse's transformation is complete. typically, the curse is not strong enough to infect more than 30% of the body. stronger curses are noted in rarer crystalker rarities.internal crystallization takes the longest. external crystallization can appear in days.Q. how does a crystalker stay alive when their organic body is crystallized?A. the crystal that takes over an infected person's body isn't quite the crystal we know on earth. it's in fact an unknown crystalline substance, which humans don't quite understand yet. lifeblood, energy.. it transfers through the crystal like a blood vessel, or like an electricity conductor. it can function as surrogate flesh, organs, etcetera, keeping the cursed one alive even as it replaces their organic matter.regular exposure to moonlight is required to keep this crystal functioning, and their body working with the replaced parts.similarly, having smaller horns lowers chances of survival, as less moonlight can be channeled into their body.Q. what about the actual crystal surface?A. the crystal surface can present as raw, tumbled, polished, etc. it may present as clear, lustrous, cloudy, gritty, etc. all as crystal on earth does.Q. may my crystalker's crystal be based on a real gemstone?A. yes. although it isn't necessary to base it on a real gemstone, you are free to do so, including giving it patterns, stripes, etc that would be found on the gem.Q. how hard is the crystal on a crystalker's body?A. this depends on the individual, and the crystal type, if you have chosen to base it on a real gemstone and its hardness scale. they can range from as fragile as chalk to as sturdy as diamond. a fragile crystalker would likely be almost terminally ill, as the crystal would not be able to feed well off of their body. a diamond hardness crystalker would be the absolute picture of health.Q. what if their health state changes? does the crystal change?A. the crystalker curse is somewhat locked into the state it formed in when it first forms on the body. so if the afflicted individual's crystal forms on a weak, sickly body, even if they become very healthy, the crystal will remain relatively weak and fragile, even though it's feeding well now.Q. do crystalkers age?A. crystalkers do age, but at a slowed rate. the crystal around them may shift to adjust a growing body, if they were infected as a child.Q. can the crystal bend/flex?A. yes! if it replaced a part of the body that could normally do so, eg the flesh of the elbow, it will be able to move with it if you so choose. if you prefer the idea of the crystal making that part of their body stiff, that's fine too.


by purchasing a MYO slot, you gain permission to create your own crystalker of the slot's rarity. you may also have a custom designed by someone else.the current prices for MYO slots are subject to change at any time. payment will be processed through paypal, and all prices are in USD.COMMON - 5 USD
once you have your MYO slot purchased, you may design a crystalker to be approved by @lymerikk, and once it is approved and posted to the masterlist, you can use it to participate in events, prompts, can submit your finished design in the discord, in #myo-check-submit.when it's complete and approved, your crystalker will be added to the masterlist!


crystalkers may be humanoid, kemonomimi (animal eared), flat-faced furry, anthro, or hybrid with another closed species (if you have permission from that species to make a crossbreed).feral crystalkers must have general intelligence, enough to be on par with humans.crystalkers come from all walks of life, and may be any race, sex, and gender, and have any skin color, body type, body marking, etc. tattoos, piercings, and other body modifications that could be made on a human or anthro are allowed.crystalkers are sorted in tiers of rarity, and each tier may contain its own tier and lower tier traits, but not may use as many traits of your MYO rarity or lower as you may freely add prosthetics.


Q. can i use a base for my crystalker myo?
A. yes! as long as you have permission by the creator.
Q. can someone else design my myo for me?
A. yes!
Q. can i trade my myo slot?
A. yes, but youll need to comment on its tracker!
Q. how do i show proof that my crystalker is valid?
A. your crystalker will come with a masterlist number that proves its validity!
Q. can i use a different shaped horn than what's shown on the list?
A. as long as they're approved by me and adhere to the correct rarity, you can be as flexible with the design as you want.
Q. is there a color limit for my crystalker's crystal? does it need to be green if its common, like on the list?
A. no! no limits on color as long as it fits within the rarity. eg. bicolor is uncommon. the sheet colors just denote rarity, with green being the default used for common, etc.


your crystalker MUST have horns of some sort.crystalker horns may differ from the shapes presented in the traits sheet. those are suggestions. antlers (rare) for example, may be deer antlers, moose antlers, original shape antlers etc.multiple horn traits count as positions, and you may put any shaped horns in those spots.
as such, nose and eyebrow horns can also be whatever shape you like.
simple horns are defined by being one continuous shape be it straight or curved. uncommon horns may have more noticably bends, curves, and points.if your crystalker possesses the 'no horns' trait, they must carry one or both of their horns on their person, either as an accessory, armor, woven into clothes, etc.


your crystalker MUST have an eye shape.exceptions to this rule are if they have the crystal eye traits.your crystalker may have any given eye trait in one or both eyes.eye shapes may be anything at all, including complex designs like snowflakes or mazes.


there is no limit to what colors or patterns you can use for your crystalker's crystal.different parts of crystal may be different colors from each other eg. like the patches of a calico.crystal is bicolor or more if the hues are too different from each other to be viewed as one.patterns must not resemble encased objects or give the illusion of such.hollow and encased crystal may contain anything non-living.


additional crystal limbs (including floating ones) may be arms or legs, and the original arms or legs do not need to be crystallized for them to have this trait.crystal wings may be of any sort, including bird, bat, butterfly etc.orbit and floating orbit pieces may be anything, including planetoids, flowers, small items etc.crystalkers with the twinning trait must have the same horns.


common powers: n/auncommon powers: cryomancy, pyromancy, geomancy, hydromancy, electromancy, dendromancyrare powers: telekinesis, photomancy, umbramancyvery rare powers:super strength, super speed, bloodmancy, metallurgy, technomancylegendary powers: necromancydisallowed powers: shapeshifting (a wereform is okay, but should be discussed with a mod first)


you are allowed to freely change your crystalker's outfit and hair/ are allowed to freely change your crystalker's gender and are allowed to freely add or remove your crystalker's piercings and minor body modifications, including are allowed to freely add crystal patches to parts of the body hidden by clothes in the original design, if your crystalker has the rarity to allow will need permission to majorly redesign your crystalker's skin tone (specifically from a darker tone to a lighter one) and bodily features. this includes amputation and extreme body modifications. small/slight edits to these are fine without approval!you are not allowed to edit the crystalker's crystalline parts/traits without an item or express permission from are not allowed to edit the crystalker's horns, eye shape, ears type or tail type without an item or express permission from @lymerikk.


non-player characters, aka NPCs, are basically the questgivers and shopkeepers of crystalkers! you may draw and include them in quests at any time if you don't have a crystalker of your own to draw. some NPCs will also have certain shops pertaining to their abilities, which you can purchase from using CPT.


chris is a low-energy, low-motivation girl who only cares about the present. a terminal loner, she tries to live a normal, solitary life, but finds that people with perkier spirits than her keep butting into her life and causing trouble.rarity: rare
age: 23
gender: female
job: barista


a sad and fragile man, rejected by family for his curse, and then abducted by the government to toy with. he seeks to advance the curse that once destroyed his life, that he may use it against those that have wronged him.the first crystalker.rarity: legendary
age: unknown / does not age
gender: male
job: scientist, researcher, former surgeon


a girl of fragile body who lost her legs when they crystallized and broke. she may seem quiet and gentle, but she's really a tough cookie with a temper.rarity: rare
age: 19
gender: female
job: hairstylist, makeup artist


a peppy go-getter with a strong eye for what's hot and what's not. she loves nothing more than to support others and help them find their truest, happiest selves, and doing just that through fashion.rarity: very rare
age: 25
gender: female
job: stylist, boutique owner


a young and focused man that lives in a temple out of the way of the city. he believes in hard work and elbow grease.rarity:
age: 30
gender: male
job: templehand, craftsman


a true good egg with a bright heart and lots of yolks to tell. benedict is an up and coming bistro co-manager!rarity: very rare
age: 28
gender: male
job: bistro co-manager


a strange pair of a witch and their doll that only seem to show up every october. while the witch may never talk, cauldron speaks for them plenty.rarity: legendary
age: undead
gender: none
job: professional mayhem


leonitus is a blacksmith and weaponsmith. between his very large stature and resting stoic expression, he comes off very intimidating.. but anyone who has worked with him and gotten to know him all agree-- he’s actually a big softie!rarity: very rare
age: 42yrs
gender: male
job: blacksmith and weaponsmith


a strange geode that gained sentience from the moon! he has a very outgoing and rambunctious personality and loves to make others laugh! he strangely likes rock candy..rarity: legendary
age: ???
pronouns: he/they/it
job: professional drag queen


welcome to sophia's salon! if you happen to have a SOPHIA'S SALON TICKET, (purchasable in the CPT shop), you can get yourself styled by our mysterious girl here!what does this makeover mean?
getting a makeover by 'sophia' means you will receive a custom hairstyle and/or makeup look for your crystalker drawn by your head mod, lymerikk! it will be off-base, crystalkers only!!
you can find the form and criteria in #shopping-channel.


welcome to risa's boutique! if you happen to have a RISA'S BOUTIQUE PASS (purchasable in the CPT shop), you can get yourself styled by our lovely girl here!what does this makeover mean?
getting a makeover by 'risa' means you will receive a custom outfit for your crystalker drawn by your head mod, lymerikk! it will be on-base. crystalkers only!
you can find the form and criteria in #shopping-channel.


welcome to hayato's jewelery stand! if you happen to have a HAYATO'S JEWELERY STAND FLYER, (purchasable in the CPT shop), you can get yourself some accessories!what does this mean?
getting an accessory made by 'hayato' means you will receive a customized piece of jewelery based on a your crystalker, drawn by your head mod, lymerikk! crystalkers only!
you can find the form and criteria in #shopping-channel.


welcome to benedict's bistro! if you happen to have a BENEDICT'S MENU, (purchasable in the CPT shop), you can get yourself something yummy to eat!what does this mean?
'getting a meal here' means recieving an illustrated food or drink based on your crystalker, drawn by your head mod, lymerikk! crystalkers only!
you can find the form and criteria in #shopping-channel.


welcome to leonitus' forge! if you happen to have a FORGE TOKEN, (purchasable in the CPT shop), you can get yourself armed and armored! these are forged using your crystalker's own crystal, grown in a crystalarium. a crystalarium is a small terrarium used to foster the bacterium that creates the crystal 'curse'. with the right nurturing, and the skilled strikes of leonitus' tools, it can be used to create material for weapons and armor!what does this mean?
'getting armor/weaponry here' means recieving an illustrated piece of armor or weapon based on your crystalker, drawn by your mossy mod, papabirbkai! crystalkers only!
you can find the form and criteria in #shopping-channel.


+ your submission must reflect the theme and adhere to quest requirements.+ you do not need to own the crystalker/s in your entry.+ you may include non-crystalkers, as long as at least one crystalker is in your entry.+ backgrounds are not necessary, unless stated in the requirements.+ you may submit multiple entries for any quest, but only one per current prompt.+ you may submit a new artwork/literature for the same quest of the same crystalker, but it must be 48 hours since the previous submission.+ any gift art you make for someone else, including #draw-the-crysta-above can be submitted as the 'surprise gift' quest!+ some quest reward values may differ based on the complexity of your entry.+in regards to gore, always spoiler and warn your images. if the character pictured has lost more than a liter of blood, or things that should be inside are outside, please link to it rather than posting directly in the server. acceptable links are anything with a hard age-gate, eg toyhouse explicit setting or deviantart mature setting.

to submit your work, please post your piece or a link to your piece in #quest-submissions in the discord.


add the below values together with the base point value specified in the quest you're submitting for!eg. a headshot sketch of two characters would be (sketch=5) + (headshot=5) + (extra character headshot=5), so 15 CPT. with that number, add it to the base points of a quest (eg.10), and the total you receive would be 25 CPT.please include the point breakdown (saying what is worth what) in your submission, or else it won't be approved!

Colored Sketch10
Lineart + Flat Color10
Lineart + Shading15
Amount VisibleCPT
Other FactorsCPT
Animation (Simple)5
Animation (Complex)10
Background (Complex)10
Extra Characters (Per Character)CPT
+200 after that5 per 200


the current prompt is UN-CON-VENTIONAL.

draw or write your crystalker at a convention! are they tabling? competing? cosplaying? maybe they're the only normie there and they have to carry their nerd partner's bags.. any kind of convention (including anime) is included!by participating in this prompt, you will recieve 40 CPT!this month's bonus 20 CPT requirement: draw your crystalker dressed for the occasion! (profession or theme appropriate, or cosplay)for writers, this month's bonus 20 CPT requirement: write about a booth of some kind that your character visits at the convention!you will also receive the exclusive shiny, 'con badge!'.

you can get your entries in until the 1st october 2024!


    this year's trickfest is EVER-SEW FRIGHTENING!

    this year, a little witch has appeared with their crystalline thread, which turns your crystalker into a very.. plush version of themselves, at least until halloween's over!to participate, draw your crystalker's new plushie form! it may be a feral version (eg. turning into a domestic cat plushie) or a plushified vesrion of their regular participating in this prompt, you will receive 40 CPT for your first entry, and 20 CPT for every entry after!you will also recieve the exclusive shiny, 'trickfest 2023'.as well, you will be able to enter the raffle for a legendary myo or an on-base custom from me! please post a link to your trickfest creation on this comment to enter! please note that you may only enter the raffle once, regardless of how many submissions you make.

    you can get your entries in until the 31st october 2023!


      CPT stands for CRYSTAL POINTS! these point are used to buy items and services for your characters.your crystal points do not expire or run out.
      items may be used together.
      each item is one time use only.trait rarity upgrades increase the whole rarity of your crystalker, but they will be considered different to crystalkers that were that rarity at creation.any item you purchase may be gifted once.

      to purchase an item, please use #shopping-channel in the discord.


      50 CPT - COMMON MYO SLOTwhat it says on the tin! with this, you can create a common crystalker.

      150 CPT - UNCOMMON MYO SLOTwhat it says on the tin! with this, you can create an uncommon crystalker.

      200 CPT - RARE MYO SLOTwhat it says on the tin! with this, you can create a rare crystalker.

      300 CPT - VERY RARE MYO SLOTwhat it says on the tin! with this, you can create a very rare crystalker.


      30 CPT -GROWTH SOLUTIONallows expansion or reduction of pre-existing crystal within rarity guidelines.

      50 CPT - CRYSTAL PRISMallows redesign of crystal color and pattern within the current rarity.

      80 CPT - UNCOMMON UPGRADEallows the addition of one uncommon trait, or the change of one uncommon trait to another.

      150 CPT - RARE UPGRADEallows the addition of one rare trait, or the change of one rare trait to another.

      200 CPT - VERY RARE UPGRADEallows the addition of one very rare trait, or the change of one very rare trait to another.

      300 CPT - LEGENDARY UPGRADEallows the addition of one legendary trait, or the change of one legendary trait to another.


      30 CPT - MINING HAMMERallows you to add the damaged trait to a pre-existing crystalker.

      50 CPT - ELECTRIC POLISHERallows you to change the texture of your crystalker's crystal from polished to faceted, or vice versa.

      80 CPT - MOON DUSTallows you to add another set of horns to your crystalker regardless of rarity.

      80 CPT - PETRIFIED WOODallows you to add the mineral/inclusion or wood/inclusion trait to your crystalker.

      allows you to add the crystal hair trait to your crystalker.

      allows you to add the carved texture to your crystalker's crystal.

      allows you to add the hollow/clear/filled traits to your crystalker's crystal.

      190 CPT - JAR O' EYES
      allows you to add the eyes in crystal trait to crystalker's crystal.

      allows you to add the slime texture to your crystalker's crystal.

      190 CPT - JEWEL SNAKE
      allows you to add the scaly texture to your crystalker's crystal.

      allows you to add the crystal bone trait crystalker's bones.

      190 CPT - FLESHY CLUMP
      allows you to add the meat texture to your crystalker's crystal.

      allows you to add the encased trait to your crystalker's crystal.

      allows you to add the plush texture to your crystalker's crystal.


      175 CPT - BENEDICT'S MENUyou may have your crystalker visit BENEDICT'S BISTRO!

      175 CPT - HAYATO'S JEWELERY STAND FLYERyou may have your crystalker visit HAYATO'S JEWELERY STAND!

      200 CPT - SOPHIA'S SALON TICKETyou may have your crystalker visit SOPHIA'S SALON!

      225 CPT - RISA'S BOUTIQUE PASSyou may have your crystalker visit RISA'S BOUTIQUE!

      200 CPT - LEONITUS' FORGE TOKENyou may have your crystalker visit LEONITUS' FORGE!


      100 CPT - POCKET CHANGE MEMENTOthis shiny.. does nothing! but it sure shows you had 100 CPT to burn.

      250 CPT - EXPENDABLE INCOME MEMENTOthis shiny.. does nothing! but it sure shows you had 250 CPT to burn.

      500 CPT - BIG BUCKSthis shiny.. does nothing! but it sure shows you had 500 CPT to burn.


      shinies are functionally digital badges or stickers that can be attached to your crystalker's page on the masterlist!SHINIES are the umbrella term for these per-character rewards! you can find them in the 'inventory' section of any particular crystalker on the masterlist.shinies come in three tiers: bronze, silver, and gold! they are sorted by tier within the list.up to two characters can claim a shiny per image, even if they do not belong to you. the shiny will be attached to the crystalker pictured/written about. you are welcome to complete quests to award to other players/ may repeat prompts with a crystalker after earning the specific shiny tied to it, but you will not gain a duplicate shiny in that crystalker's you can view all of the currently released shinies and how to achieve them.


      treasures are inherent to your crystalker upon creation!

      "PRIDE AND PROGRESS"this crystalker was made for pride month!

      "VERY REALLY GOOD"this crystalker was made for the VERY REALLY GOOD april fools event!

      "ADVENTAGEOUS"this crystalker was made for the december advent calendar!


      achievements can be earned through quests, prompts, and events!


      "NINE TO FIVE"obtained by completing quest #1, 'work to live'.

      "COZY"obtained by completing quest #2, 'home'.

      "DONE GOOFED"obtained by completing quest #3, 'mistake maker'.

      "EVERYDAY LIVING"obtained by completing quest #4, 'routine'.

      "pet registration"obtained by completing quest #6, 'my pet'.

      "ROOM WITH A VIEW"obtained by completing quest #7, 'my room'.

      "A GIFT FOR YOU"obtained by completing quest #8, 'for you'.

      "YET TO SHINE"obtained by completing quest #9, 'yet to shine'.

      "WITH GREAT RESPONSIBILITY"obtained by completing quest #11, 'power'.

      "A LITTLE DAMAGED"obtained by completing quest #12, 'crack'.

      "OUTCAST"obtained by completing quest #13, 'pariah'.

      "LOVESTRUCK"obtained by completing quest #14, 'love'.

      "LOST AND FORLORN"obtained by completing quest #15, 'loss'.

      "FLAMES OF RAGE"obtained by completing quest #16, 'rage'.

      "GREEN WTIH IT"obtained by completing quest #17, 'envy'.

      "HOWL AND SCREAM"obtained by completing quest #18, 'agony'.

      "PRESENT"obtained by completing quest #21, 'now'.

      "PAST"obtained by completing quest #22, 'then'.

      "FUTURE"obtained by completing quest #18, 'tomorrow'.

      "OLD-FASHIONED"obtained by completing quest #18, 'period piece'.

      "DIFFERENT STROKES"obtained by completing quest #25, 'genre swap'.

      "MUSICAL COSTUME"obtained by completing quest #26, 'cosplay - music'.

      "TELEVISION FASHION"obtained by completing quest #27, 'cosplay - TV '.

      "ANIME STYLE"obtained by completing quest #28, 'cosplay - anime '.

      "GAME MODULE"obtained by completing quest #29, 'cosplay - games'.

      "HORROR COUTURE"obtained by completing quest #30, 'cosplay - horror'.

      "TRUE COLORS"obtained by completing quest #32, 'palette #1'.

      "BLACK AND WHITE"obtained by completing quest #33, 'palette #2'.

      "CONTRACT SIGNED"obtained by completing quest #37, 'brand loyalty.

      "TABLET PEN TO PAPER"obtained by completing quest #38, 'switch it up - material'.

      "FRESH TO RETRO"obtained by completing quest #39, 'switch it up - style'.

      "CUBISM"obtained by completing quest #40, 'pixel'.

      "STICKERED"obtained by completing quest #41, 'sticker'.

      "STITCHED AND STUFFED"obtained by completing quest #50, 'plushie pal'.

      "DOLL PARTS"obtained by completing quest #51, 'dolled up.

      "INVERSION"obtained by completing quest #52, 'negative image'.

      "TWO AS ONE"obtained by completing quest #53, 'fusion'.

      "SOMETHING GOOD TO EAT"obtained by completing quest #54, 'trick or treat'.

      "JUST A PRANK BRO"obtained by completing quest #55, 'playing tricks'.

      "PIECES OF ME"obtained by completing quest #57, 'crystalarium'.

      "DONT MINE AT NIGHT"obtained by completing quest #58, 'gathering materials'.

      "HAMMER TIME"obtained by completing quest #59, 'at the forge'.

      "LOADOUT"obtained by completing quest #60, 'gear up'.

      "SPOIL HIM ROTTEN"obtained by completing quest #61, 'sharing the spoils'.

      "STONED AF"obtained by completing quest #63, 'get stoned'.


      "ALL IN THE FAMILY"obtained by completing quest #5, 'family matters'.

      "DESPITE IT ALL"obtained by completing quest #10, 'despite it all'.

      "ZETSUBOU"obtained by completing quest #19, 'despair'.

      "KIBOU"obtained by completing quest #20, 'hope'.

      "YASSIFIED"obtained by completing quest #64, 'drag race'

      "THE FIRST"obtained by completing 'meet chris'.

      "THE VERY FIRST"obtained by completing 'meet bartholomew'.

      "FRAGILE GIRL"obtained by completing 'meet sophia'.

      "STYLISH GAL"obtained by completing 'meet risa'.

      "PATIENT MAN"obtained by completing 'meet hayato'.

      "RELIABLE SOUS-CHEF"obtained by completing 'meet benedict'.

      "ALL HALLOWS' EVE"obtained by completing 'meet cauldron'.

      "BLOOD AND STEEL"obtained by completing 'meet leonitus'.

      "STONE COLD QUEEN"obtained by completing 'meet harold'.

      "PLACEHOLDER"obtained by completing 'meet ???'.


      "GOTTA MEET EM ALL!"obtained by gathering all other 'meet' badges.

      "SO LEFT YET SO RIGHT"obtained by completing quest #31, 'south-pawed'.

      "3D"obtained by completing quest #34, 'sculpt'.

      "3D BUT WITH MORE STUFF GOING ON"obtained by completing quest #35, 'digisculpt'.

      "TREAT"obtained by completing quest #36, 'edible'.

      "SPOIL HIM ROTTEN (GOLD)"obtained by completing quest #61, 'sharing the spoils' after completing two other leonitus quests.


      "BABYSITTING"obtained by participating in SEP/OCT 2023 prompt 'babysitting'!

      "TRICKFEST 2023"obtained by participating in OCTOBER 2023 TRICKFEST 'EVER-SEW FRIGHTENING!'

      "FEAST COMPLETE"obtained by participating in NOV/DEC 2023 prompt 'year-end feast'!

      "YES OR YES"obtained by participating in JAN/FEB 2024 prompt 'love letters'!

      "BETTER IN THE WEATHER"obtained by participating in MAR/APR 2024 PROMPT 'march winds and april showers'!

      "SWIMMIN' SUIT"obtained by participating in JUN/JUL 2024 PROMPT 'summer styles'!

      "CON BADGE"obtained by participating in AUG-SEPT 2024 PROMPT 'un-con-ventional'!

      "PLACEHOLDER"obtained by participating in MONTH YEAR EVENT PLACEHOLDER


      mementos can be purchased with CPT, or earned through spending CPT on certain items!

      "POCKET CHANGE"obtained by purchasing in the CPT shop.

      "EXPENDABLE INCOME"obtained by purchasing in the CPT shop.

      "BIG BUCKS"obtained by purchasing in the CPT shop.

      "TRIM, STYLE, COLOR"obtained by using sophia's salon ticket.

      "#OOTD"obtained by using risa's boutique pass.

      "ACCESSORIZED"obtained by using hayato's jewlery stand flyer.

      "TASTE SENSATION"obtained by using benedict's bistro menu.

      "ARMED AND READY"obtained by using leonitus' forge token.

      "TOTAL MAKEOVER"obtained by visiting the salon, boutique, and jewelery stand with one character.